May 2, 2003
New Template & Password Problems
First, we would like to apologize. 6 users have been locked out of their accounts due to transitional errors from the old sessions-based system to our new user authentication system. Those users that were affected: Hockeybaybe45, onceinlove, Jamie, nabilah, SuzyQ6212, sayersy2k, and hitchme. We apologize for this error. The problems have been fixed now.
It's called Charmander. This journal is now using it. Report any errors with it here. Much thanks to KLS for allowing us to use his template =)
There will be some work with the gallery this weekend as well as integration with AudioMatch.
KLS, just for you, I'll take a look at "reordering."
It's called Charmander. This journal is now using it. Report any errors with it here. Much thanks to KLS for allowing us to use his template =)
There will be some work with the gallery this weekend as well as integration with AudioMatch.
KLS, just for you, I'll take a look at "reordering."

Posted by tabulas on May 2, 2003 at 07:31 AM | 5 Comments
Oh bout the smilies, i'll msg you with the original creator's email/url in a while...
Thanks again, see ya. =)
if its not broken... i can't figure out how to add a new gallery...!
hkt (guest)
btw, have you though about that template contest i suggested