May 13, 2003
Quote of the Day
PubertY2K: i think that if you could get joel stein to blog on tabulas, your life would be a success
PubertY2K: no matter what you did from that point on
So true.
There has been no work on Tabuas. I just finished school and the last thing I wanted to do was spend 12 hours a day programming.
But I'll start soon.
PubertY2K: no matter what you did from that point on
So true.
There has been no work on Tabuas. I just finished school and the last thing I wanted to do was spend 12 hours a day programming.
But I'll start soon.

Posted by tabulas on May 13, 2003 at 05:45 PM | 7 Comments
hkt (guest)

*another totally useless post by shard.