July 21, 2003
Slow integration
We've slowly been upgraded around the site with some new features. Some are rudimentary and will be developed in the future ...
We implemented the first step towards limitations (aww, shucks). Free users are now limited to 75 images, beta testers are limited to 150.
Note that you are not allowed to sign-up for multiple accounts simply to get more gallery space. Users found violating this policy will have both accounts revoked and all data will be deleted.
For those of you who had exceeded your image quotas before these limits were imposed, you've been granted a little leniency. View the left box in your "Add Images" page for the exact amount of images you've been alloted for your account.
We will continue to impose limitations over the next few days. Nothing crippling though
We implemented the first step towards limitations (aww, shucks). Free users are now limited to 75 images, beta testers are limited to 150.
Note that you are not allowed to sign-up for multiple accounts simply to get more gallery space. Users found violating this policy will have both accounts revoked and all data will be deleted.
For those of you who had exceeded your image quotas before these limits were imposed, you've been granted a little leniency. View the left box in your "Add Images" page for the exact amount of images you've been alloted for your account.
We will continue to impose limitations over the next few days. Nothing crippling though

Posted by tabulas on July 21, 2003 at 10:26 PM | 17 Comments


Daniel (guest)
Daniel (guest)
Daniel (guest)
Warning: fopen(http://newhome.weblogs.com/pingSiteForm?name=&url=http://www.tabulas.com/~Daniel/) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream: HTTP request failed! @=l@x#?z#?!i@d€œd€œ@^l@à6ÿ¿èðmÈðm in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/private/inc/entry.php on line 91

haha sucky sucky.
what does 2% of users networked mean?