October 9, 2003
Post Via E-Mail
Only for paid/beta members.
We've added (basic) support for posting to your Tabulas via e-mail.
Although we have not added any additional functionality yet, we plan on also adding a "post images via e-mail" feature in the near future.
To activate this feature, go to Preferences » Email Settings and check the "Enable by E-Mail Posting" checkbox. Once you have done that, input a usercode. This usercode will be required with every e-mail you post to Tabulas to ensure that you are the proper author of the e-mail.
Once you have done this, fire off an e-mail to the one listed on that Email page with the following format in the subject:
In the body of the e-mail, write your entry. The script checks for new
e-mails every 5 minutes, so you may have to wait a bit. If authentication fails, the script will bounce that e-mail back to the sender with the entry (so you don't lose it if you mistype the usercode or something).
The break tags are all fully supported. Note: You MUST e-mail FROM the e-mail that you have registered with Tabulas!
(yes, this post was made via e-mail)
Update of Known Issues:
- I haven't figured out on what end, but for some reason the script is prematurely putting in <br/> tags ... this could screw up any HTML that you input in.
We've added (basic) support for posting to your Tabulas via e-mail.
Although we have not added any additional functionality yet, we plan on also adding a "post images via e-mail" feature in the near future.
To activate this feature, go to Preferences » Email Settings and check the "Enable by E-Mail Posting" checkbox. Once you have done that, input a usercode. This usercode will be required with every e-mail you post to Tabulas to ensure that you are the proper author of the e-mail.
Once you have done this, fire off an e-mail to the one listed on that Email page with the following format in the subject:
Entry Title [[USERCODE]] ((username))For example, I might write Post Via E-Mail [[0000]] ((tabulas))
In the body of the e-mail, write your entry. The script checks for new
e-mails every 5 minutes, so you may have to wait a bit. If authentication fails, the script will bounce that e-mail back to the sender with the entry (so you don't lose it if you mistype the usercode or something).
The break tags are all fully supported. Note: You MUST e-mail FROM the e-mail that you have registered with Tabulas!
(yes, this post was made via e-mail)
Update of Known Issues:
- I haven't figured out on what end, but for some reason the script is prematurely putting in <br/> tags ... this could screw up any HTML that you input in.
Posted by tabulas on October 9, 2003 at 02:40 AM | 20 Comments
please help, ASAP!
As a note, your PayPal e-mail is listed as earth_ange09@hotmail.com; I tried to contact you earlier but the e-mail bounced =). Don't forget to fix that up! :)



the rss feed link is still old one

Would it be possible to make custom smilies for our tabulas? It would be nice to.. I made smilies that I'd want to use, haha. : )


1) If someone tries to email and authentication fails, perhaps you should state the correct syntax with proper examples in the email. You might also want to make the sender something like emailpost-noreply@tabulas.com.
2) I've said this before but the bug's still around. http://www.tabulas.com/gallery/thumbs/tn_201_TQ{o1.png - i see that box, and there's no option to sleect anything. The box shouldn't be there at the first place.
3) I know you're aware of this.. but sending email in HTML format kinda messes the post up.. perhaps you might want to make the post by email script only accept emails that are in plain text format?
as for 3, it's the responsibility of the e-mali sender to send it in plain-text if they want it like that. some people may prefer to do the html formatting in the e-mail itself.

good job anyway!

