The comments page is somehow breaking my layout. I set a div that is centered with a set width, yet when there are long comments, the layout is broken. Is there anyway to fix this?
I have a question about customizing your Tabula (I couldn't find anything about this--there really should be a FAQ databse here)--can you fully customize your Tabula like yo can a normal HTML webpage or do you have to upgrade to a paid account to do that, kinda like with Live Journal? Thanks :)
Are "friends only" entries only supposed to show up for people I have listed as a friend? Because I just noticed that a friends only entry I posted is showing up for people that have me listed as a friend that I haven't added to my friends list
Friends-only entries show up only for people YOU list as a friend.
The reason your friends-only entry shows up on someone else's 'friends page' is because you're logged-in. Obviously you can see your friends-only posts :D
Thanks re: image on contact page. It works!
Now, I see that you did add something to the anonymous comments--thanks. Now I know WHO without them having to login. Next, can you tweek it so that the comments show up before the the comment box. As it is now, a person who wants to leave a comment will easily see the box but will not see the previous comments unless they scroll to the bottom. Thanks. P.S. Can you email me re: teacher usage of tabulas. I will be teaching a blogging class and want to use tabulas and get teacher accounts. I have questions, so please email me.
Thanks again!
Your feaure request for comment box below comments iwll be implemented in a later version of Tabulas. I tried e-mailing you earlier today @ s*** ... is this not the proper e-mail?

Check either the custom templating code to make sure you have the proper commands or your styles page to make sure your rolling is enabled.
Check either the custom templating code to make sure you have the proper commands.
The comments page is somehow breaking my layout. I set a div that is centered with a set width, yet when there are long comments, the layout is broken. Is there anyway to fix this?
for an example of what im talking about.
Free accounts are allowed to create HTML templates.
The reason your friends-only entry shows up on someone else's 'friends page' is because you're logged-in. Obviously you can see your friends-only posts :D
Try logging out and viewing that page again.
Thanks :)


Go look at your "Add Images" page to understand what I'm saying.
Now, I see that you did add something to the anonymous comments--thanks. Now I know WHO without them having to login. Next, can you tweek it so that the comments show up before the the comment box. As it is now, a person who wants to leave a comment will easily see the box but will not see the previous comments unless they scroll to the bottom. Thanks. P.S. Can you email me re: teacher usage of tabulas. I will be teaching a blogging class and want to use tabulas and get teacher accounts. I have questions, so please email me.
Thanks again!