October 23, 2004
I'm sorry, but I will no longer be helping accounts that cannot get their galleries to work. Between the fact that more than half the requests are bad requests (e.g. I logged in and uploaded an image fine so you're really just wasting my time) on top of the fact that they are free accounts, I simply cannot afford to help you guys for free. I have a busy life as it is, and tracking down problems (most of them which are problems on YOUR end) is not what I want to spend my time doing.
If you are having issues and you have a paid account, please leave a note. Otherwise, sorry.
Speaking of which, please please PLEASE switch to paid account if you can. Running this service is very costly on a monthly basis and any paid accounts help chip away at those expenses.
If you are having issues and you have a paid account, please leave a note. Otherwise, sorry.
Speaking of which, please please PLEASE switch to paid account if you can. Running this service is very costly on a monthly basis and any paid accounts help chip away at those expenses.
Geez, I even told myself :" If one day, tabs aren't there anymore, i will not bother to blog anymore". Tabs the best, no kidding..
U rock Roy!!
Anonymous (guest)

Paying for a Tabulas account was one of my wiser investments, and I will continue supporting it, even though others may not have the money or inclination to try to understand the issues that go with providing such a service.

I am also fully aware that Roy has been up to his ears in requests from people, some who are simply too lazy to follow instructions on how to upload images.
As frustrating these individuals are, they must also be dealt with, even the idiot ones that threaten to make Roy go ballistic. They are all customers, even if some do not pay for their service.
This journal has taken on a life of its own and that has made Roy's life considerably more stressed. I hope that people will take into consideration that Roy is not a multi-national computer corporation with a staff to handle everything. Please be patient with him, as this is a learning process for him as well.
It is a tribute to the success of Tabulas that this is an issue now. If this endeavour were not a success, it wouldn't be having these growing pains.
Roy, thanks for your hard work, and hang in there. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by difficult customer situations, please don't hesitate to ask for help. You have support if you need it. :)


nom (guest)
I have a paid account (this one) and the images work fine. I also have an unpaid account (tangled_skein) the images do not work (I've checked a number of times) though they used to. Do I get help or not?
I sharn't be updating my subscription (or even considering paying for my other account) until you have the time -- or find someone else with the time -- to properly administrate the service you offered when I signed up. Sorry.
"Tabulas.com's goals are to provide the fullest feature set that allows people of all skill levels to maintain a website (specifically a journal and photogallery). [...] In essence, we want to allow everybody to maintain a visual, graphical, and aural record of their lives on Tabulas that is easy and quick to use."
I agree with the person who commented that you should prioratize, but think that you need to do this by offering a service that you have the time and will to administrate. Perhaps you should consider making more things paid only features?
Tabulas itself (when it works) is great and, until tonight, I was considering making this my main (fully paid for) journaling home.
"[...] we feel the necessity to survive overrides the idealistic urges to grant everyone free full paid accounts. We feel that if a user is an avid user of Tabulas, they are obligated by an implied social contract to pay for the services."
Does this implied social contract not also obligate you to fully support all services which you offer for free (i.e. galleries and usericons)?
Paid users do get prioritized help support. You can ask any paid member; any technical help they needed was answered quickly and promptly either via personal e-mail or PM.
I will be fixing your other account tonight, as although it is a free account, you do have a paid account.
nom (guest)
If it turns out that the fault is mine after all, you have my permission to charge me double when I next renew my subscription ;)
BTW, if ever you should decide to take on volunteer helpers, I, and I'm sure many others, would be willing to offer a few hours a week. If only to contact people personally to make sure they really do have a problem.
I do believe that I am contracted socially to help out and make sure all the features work; this is why when I initially ran into gallery problems I told people to post problems. But then people misinterpreted what I said and everyone who didn't know how to use the gallery feature (or those who issued false positive reports) started posting. If you take a look at <a href="http://www.tabulas.com/~tabulas/522503.html">this post</a>, there are many false positives. Each false positive was time taken out for me to login to their account and try out the gallery feature.
So then I tried to simplify things even further by asking people to TRY to upload an image to their account before posting a request. And almost no one complied. I still got tons of false positive responses.
I know there is no way for you to know how busy my life is, so I'll just give you quick overview: I'm currently finishing my last semester at school while trying to balance out freelancing jobs to pay off bills (Tabulas does not make me any noticeable money for me to pay bills). I'm currently in development mode for Tabulas 2.0, so tracking down bugs for those systems is quite difficult.
I do agree with your reasoning and I made every effort to try to help people with their Tabulas, but when the sheer number of people who wouldn't take the few minutes to try out their account before posting false positives started sucking out hours out of my day (especially since they were free accounts (I get absolutely nothing!) ... I jjust couldn't do it.
This is not a money-making corporation; it's a one-man operation (me) doing everything, and I just don't have time to deal with false positives anymore.
The free accounts if they are having real problems, would be one thing.. Most of the reports are false positives. It's frustrating and as a student, Roy does NOT have this time. If someone else would like to volunteer their services towards this end, I'm sure Roy would look into this.
nom (guest)
I'm perectly willing, and happy, to pay for the service, provided I can be confident that Roy can provide it (I am not inspired to confidence by this development).
Whilst I've heard it said that "time is money" I've never heard it said that '"money is time". Asking people to get paid accounts is not the solution to the underlying problem. In fact, it could make it worse; if more people were to get paid accounts, Roy might find himself having to say "only those who've had their account for over a year will be helped, because I just don't have the time to sort you all out."

You're absolutely right; more paid users would increase the burden for me on paid support issues. However, right now, the problem is that my cash reserves are running out while demand for services is burgeoning. I've been "meaning to" buy more servers to handle the increasing load, but with a lack of funds I cannot afford the additional servers. So basically my few servers right now are starting to become maxed out in terms of usage ...
One of the main new additional services that we've been meaning to add is a community forum. The forum would alleviate a lot of the smaller issues and allow volunteers to help other users, but again, this requires more additional servers (as well as a software license fee) ... so although your reasoning is spot-on, the immediate uses for that cash would be to alleviate the fact that there is basically only one person (me) who can help any given user with problems.

I think this might be a slight misunderstanding. The offer to fix the galleries arose from the crashing of one of our servers. The number of people affected by this crash were quite minimal (at a most, 200 or so).
The offer was made to those who had legitimately suffered due to the crash. The offer was later rescinded because other people mistook the offer as an invitation on why they can't figure out how to upload images (false positives).
As I see it, almost everyone who was legitimately affected had their accounts fixed. The ones that are being asked about now (as evident int he comments) are simply people who are too lazy to try to figure out how to upload images, OR there is some weird problem on their end which they want me to track down.

you rawk! :bloopie:

jars (guest)
