August 24, 2005
Custom templaters!
This is a request for those of you who create custom templates ... what additional commands would you like to have access to when creating custom templates?
Please note our old templating commands are located here.



hacked (guest)

sham23_animoni (guest)


-the ability to make "« Forward # entries | Backwards # entries »" into our own words and place them wherever we want on the page
-i agree to what dracil said as well. if you must make the navbar force itself at the top all the time, at least make it so that everything else is under it with z-index or something... it's troublesome to figure out how to make the layout look the same for both members and non-members of tabulas. especially with gradient or patterned backgrounds. with the system now, everything gets pushed down making gradient/patterned backgrounds (that blend in with the main image) look off.
-what about color schemes for the navbar?
-latest comments tag? like that of wordpress
-content pages being php compatible?
-the ability to make our custom templates become "skins" which visitors can choose to view according to their liking. (and the option to turn this on and off)
