Thanks to MikeyMike for reporting that the birthdays weren't working! There was a problem during the upgrade early in February; your birthday notifications should now be working once again.
I've quietly been upgrading critical components of the gallery backend for Tabulas; the new updates went on the site today, so if you had some problems earlier uploading images, that's to blame! I've checked the gallery feature after I made the updates, and everything seems to be working fine!
There's an exciting new feature for Tabulas now; it's the Windows XP image/file uploader.
Basically this new feature will let you upload as many images as your Tabulas account can support directly from Windows XP! You no longer have to use the control panel's "five at a time" interface to upload images.
To make things even better, you can also upload your media files through this interface!
This feature is currently available to ALL users. However, if it becomes too popular and starts hogging too much computer usage, I may make it a patron-only feature. But until then, please go ahead and use this - it makes your life SO much easier!
At the request of enchiridion, I've added a tipjar page which is accessible from any of the help pages. Tips are greatly appreciated!