September 2, 2007
Issues regarding logging in/out
If you're on any Tabulas accounts, and you get logged out, please go to the /debug/ folder of that site (for example: and copy/paste the contents of the textarea to Thanks.
Regarding links:
I've added the old view most of you were familiar with - the view with all your links categorized on one page; some of you don't like the "recent links" view! I've added this at the /links/archives/ url; going to the links page also has a link to it. If you'd like this to be your default page, simply update your template to no longer point to /links/, but instead to /links/archive/.

null0 (guest)
Just a suggestion, I think the main page would look a bit better if the main text's font size is a bit smaller (the capitalised titles are ok though). :)


