May 3, 2003
Smilies are now enabled for your site as well as your tagboard. You can view the possible silies by selected "View Smilies" from the simple or advanced entry addition modes. We're looking at revamping the HTML Editor mode so we haven't really added support for smilies there.
In order to enable smilies (since not all of us are emoticon lovers), go to your admin panel, go to "Styles" --> General Styles, and you'll see the dropdown. There are currently 4 different color schemes you can choose from .
A huge thanks goes out to the fellas at TVThemeTunes.Net for not ONLY making these smilies, but letting anyone use them for free!
In order to enable smilies (since not all of us are emoticon lovers), go to your admin panel, go to "Styles" --> General Styles, and you'll see the dropdown. There are currently 4 different color schemes you can choose from .
A huge thanks goes out to the fellas at TVThemeTunes.Net for not ONLY making these smilies, but letting anyone use them for free!

Posted by tabulas on May 3, 2003 at 02:17 PM | 5 Comments

where is my state smiley!
screw this site, i quit
Anyway, coolness i knew something was up when i realised i saw the smiley face in your earlier entry hehe...
Btw, correction its *fella not "fellas" did all by himself. Excellent.