July 28, 2003
An explanation of hit logging
There have been some comments regarding hit logging below which I need to explain.
Hit logging was never meant to be open to free users - only to beta users.
In any case, hit logging was disabled because it is the most intensive of all scripts and frankly free users should not have this kind of power. Besides logging every hit, the analyzation does require a lot of brute force; opening up the hit logging to all free users would be suicide on my servers.
Please remember as free users, I cannot give you all the free features; I have to balance out the limitations of the server and my personal financial status... this isn't some nameless corporation with deep pockets
Hit logging was never meant to be open to free users - only to beta users.
In any case, hit logging was disabled because it is the most intensive of all scripts and frankly free users should not have this kind of power. Besides logging every hit, the analyzation does require a lot of brute force; opening up the hit logging to all free users would be suicide on my servers.
Please remember as free users, I cannot give you all the free features; I have to balance out the limitations of the server and my personal financial status... this isn't some nameless corporation with deep pockets

Posted by tabulas on July 28, 2003 at 10:46 AM | 13 Comments
Aaron (guest)

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