August 19, 2003
Small fixes
There have been a smattering of small updates to the site:
1.) Hit logging extended information now displays the date of the hit (it used to just display the time)
2.) When you upload an image to an album, it has a autoset rank of '255.' Remember the rank number determines when it shows up in your album ('255' would show up later than '1'). In all, the gallery ranking system will be complemented with a more automated system when we roll out Tabulas Gallery 2.0.
3.) There was aminor big bug involving anonymous users. After we implemented the "filtered e-mailing" system to protect the e-mail addresses of those anonymous commenters, we realized we had made a typo which basically led to no e-mails being sent to those users when you select the "e-mail" function. This should now be fixed.
4.) The input textbox for your entries now uses 12px font ... nothing big.
5.) For those of you taking advantage of your RSS feed (located at /rss/username.rss), you'll notice that we fixed up an error regarding the output of the RSS feed ... our login system used to make your username whatever you typed in when you logged in (e.g. 'tabulas' and 'TABULAS' would be the same). However, in the former case, a RSS feed would be generated at /rss/tabulas.rss while in the latter case a RSS feed would be generated at /rss/TABULAS.rss. This is now fixed - however your name is cased when you register is now the 'default' way your name is displayed.
6.) Oops. Your website link only allowed for 36 characters, which kinda sucked if you had a long URL. We've fixed this to 100 characters and auto-upgraded the database for anyone who didn't put in a http:// link.
7.) Autolinks have been switched back to case sensitive.
You can go take a look at the documentation page, which is still under construction. We'll soon be adding more detailed explanations of all the features.
Note: The custom entries output (under Styles » Entry Format) portion if broken. We will be fixing that in a little bit.
1.) Hit logging extended information now displays the date of the hit (it used to just display the time)
2.) When you upload an image to an album, it has a autoset rank of '255.' Remember the rank number determines when it shows up in your album ('255' would show up later than '1'). In all, the gallery ranking system will be complemented with a more automated system when we roll out Tabulas Gallery 2.0.
3.) There was a
4.) The input textbox for your entries now uses 12px font ... nothing big.
5.) For those of you taking advantage of your RSS feed (located at /rss/username.rss), you'll notice that we fixed up an error regarding the output of the RSS feed ... our login system used to make your username whatever you typed in when you logged in (e.g. 'tabulas' and 'TABULAS' would be the same). However, in the former case, a RSS feed would be generated at /rss/tabulas.rss while in the latter case a RSS feed would be generated at /rss/TABULAS.rss. This is now fixed - however your name is cased when you register is now the 'default' way your name is displayed.
6.) Oops. Your website link only allowed for 36 characters, which kinda sucked if you had a long URL. We've fixed this to 100 characters and auto-upgraded the database for anyone who didn't put in a http:// link.
7.) Autolinks have been switched back to case sensitive.
You can go take a look at the documentation page, which is still under construction. We'll soon be adding more detailed explanations of all the features.
Note: The custom entries output (under Styles » Entry Format) portion if broken. We will be fixing that in a little bit.
Posted by tabulas on August 19, 2003 at 01:02 PM | 63 Comments
If I don't select any albums and hit "edit albums" I get:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') ORDER BY albumRank' at line 2
just a "fail gracefully" thing.
If I go to "edit albums" they show up in the proper order tho.
soulxrelease (guest)
If Tabulas is entirely funded by paid accounts, why not ask for donations?
Honestly I'm not comfortable taking money for Tabulas yet - there's a lot to be fixed and until I feel like it's a solid product, I'm not really comfortable asking for donations... but if you feel like supporting the site, feel free to get a paid account ;)
soulxrelease (guest)
And there's no link to 'content' in the navigation for the Pikachu template. ^-^
I've fixed up the no Content links problem. I never realized that before ... thanks =)

instead of:[someuser]
wuddup royboy! i gots a complaint? yeah... so like you know when you go under "manage friends" and then u click on people's website links... it don't come up... the url is something like..."" but it doesn't pop up... so i end up changing the url manually to "" and that usually works :)
As for your 10px offset, the best thing I can think of is that you didn't set the body margins to 0px.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Daniel (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
I went to "control panel-->styles-->entry format" to reset it, but it doesnt work. Any clues?
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
so setting a journal entry in "friends only" will allow anyone who YOU list as a friend to read it, but no one else.
private is just for yourself.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
also, i wasn't quite sure what that icon meant until now. maybe something more specific, or the letters www might be clearer? not sure.
eg.. I'm logged in, then I visit my own site. hit logging recognises that I'm visiting own site, so it doesn't count.
Is it possible? That way I can have a better gauge of the number of people who visit my site.
And yeah, thanks for preventing search engine robots from crawling into my site! :-D
The web site you enter on the profile page gets truncated (in my case after 36 characters), so the link doesn't work.
The "links" require a description. Some links are self-explanatory and the description just takes up valuable screen space. Besides, you can give the link any text you want.
You have the "hit logging" tab even when it's not available to free subscribers, but you don't tell us that.
The autolink page says that you need to be case-sensitive, but regardless of the case you enter, the program changes to the case of the link, so you can't avoid the link by deliberately changing the case. This means you can't use the word in another context without getting the link.
The "expand" feature (i.e. clicking on the ellipse) doesn't work in the Edit Entries screen. You get an HTTP404 error. An example of the url is:
If I use an hr tag, the editor puts in /hr tags at the end of post even though no such tag exists!
Anonymous people who leave comments have their e-mail address shown in the e-mail sent to the site-holder.
If you reply to an anonymous commenter, the text above the comment box changes to, for instance:
You are currently replying to comment #11466 by
Reply to no one
Would it be possible to have the name the person entered displayed?
If you go to the feedback log, then click on 'View in entry context', then click on 'Reply to this comment', you get an HTTP040 error. An example of the url is:
However the same function works from other screens.
Wish List
It would be great to have a "preview" function for the post, since quite a lot of HTML needs to be put in to get formatting effects/links, etc.
There's no place to put an e-mail address (so people can contact you). Ideally the address itself would be shielded so the sender wouldn't know what it is. They would just click on a link and enter their text in a box.
When you post the entry, it's a bit pointless to go to a screen that gives you a link to edit it if you made any mistakes. How could you possibly know until you see the result? I would prefer to be taken automatically to 'Your Site'.
the website length should now be 100 characters instead of 25.
autolinking has been switched back to case sensitive.
phew. was that it?
description in links is no longer required (yeah, this was something i had meant to fix, it's annoying for me too :X)
the hr tag problem has been fixed. it was a problem with our HTML cleaner.
hit logging for free users is partially enabled (the AIM logging portion only ... and it's the only one that is displayed)
the 'expand feature' under edit entries was fixed.
replying to anonymous username has been fixed.
the "reply to" link should be fixed under 'feedback log > context > reply"
as for the automatic redirecting to your site upon entry addition, it makes sense ... i'll look into adding it as an optional option in the near future (will notify you when i do).
will also look into hidden e-mail option.