May 29, 2004
Consider this your fair warning...
As some of you know, we are still rewriting the control panel and most of Tabulas for the 2.0 release.
However, in order to switch our templating system over to the newly planned system, we will have to break almost all old stylesheets and templates.
This means that if you're using a special stylesheet for Tabulas, you will lose it.
If you have a custom template, we will make an effort to switch your template over to the new system, but there are absolutely no guarantees ...
We will try to update you when we get closer to the transition date for our new templating engine system.
As some of you know, we are still rewriting the control panel and most of Tabulas for the 2.0 release.
However, in order to switch our templating system over to the newly planned system, we will have to break almost all old stylesheets and templates.
This means that if you're using a special stylesheet for Tabulas, you will lose it.
If you have a custom template, we will make an effort to switch your template over to the new system, but there are absolutely no guarantees ...
We will try to update you when we get closer to the transition date for our new templating engine system.

ishy (guest)
The template in this one <a href=\"\">page</a> of my site screwed up a bit. Every other page is alright except for that one. I\'d appreciate the help. Thanks! :)
chinkychinky (guest)
is this one of the paid features for the site?
I would normally fire off an e-mail to get it to you, but I\'ve been without internet access for a bit.
In any case, your account is upgraded. Thanks so mcuh! 8)
and if you cant pay this site stop it

In 30 days, the original name you wanted will have returned to the \"name pool.\" Once that happens, change your username to the original.
Anonymous (guest)


Star (guest)

<a href=""></a>
Star (guest)
I am not a wicked bitch (so it might seem sometimes from the crap I have written, I was just pissed off). I have it all explained on my site, if you would care to go read it. It\'s just something stupid that went way to far & I apoplexy to everyone.
I am not on the computer to make enemies. I have never had any problems with anyone before, I don\'t enjoy flying off the handle. I think everything was just a huge misunderstanding.
As I said everything is explained more deeply on my blog, I will go post this to Roys journal too, just to let everyone know, thanks.
Anonymous (guest)
Suggestions: Talk to the person and resolve the issue privately. I have 20,000 people, and I\"m currently travelling in Korea. I don\'t have time to resolve every little dispute from every little webmaster that is getting ripped off by someone who is using my services.
If the person refuses to solve the issue privately, forward all relevant emails to roy-at-no-spam-neopages-com and I will take further action against the users.
Waving a \"legal\" flag where you threaten to \"press charges\" if i don\'t do anything doesn\'t scare me; I\'m quite aware of the legal position this site holds, so perhaps your little legal rant should be held towards more ignorant webmasters.
If you want to immediately solve teh bandwidth problem, use a .htaccess to deny outside accessers of your images. It\'s as simple as that.
If you would like to continue this conversation more civilly, you can email me at the address above. You will find me more accomodating to your requests if you don\'t go around calling this journal \"stupid.\"
Star (guest)
Excuse me, but you could have written to me earlier & I wouldn\'t have needed
to call anything stupid. Why not post your e-mail to begin with. And if your
site is so porfessional why don\'t you have proper staff & a proper way to
contact you then? I was frustrated because I did try to contact the person
by leaving a comment on her journal, thank you very much, other then that I
have no clue as to who this person is, as I am sure you do,since you have
all her information. You my friend, can do something about it as you are a
so called not ignorent webmaster. If you\'re not so ignorent then why is this
even happening then? You could have taken the site down to begin with, as
you could see I gave the person a chance to take it down & have had no
contact from them. You can delete the account & ban her IP yourself. I am
too aware of the internet laws thank you very much, I will not stand to be
ignored & put aside when someone is stealing my stuff & posting it on your
servers. You should be a little bit more concerned about this & actually
post it in your Terms of Service?
As a member of Tabulas, you agree to the following rules:
1.) Multiple accounts may not be registered for the sole purpose of
garnering more gallery space
2.) No illegal images will be posted to Tabulas gallery (includes but is not
exclusive to child pornography)
3.) No spamming of members\' journals (either via tagboard, comments, or
simply contacting the user).
4.) No attempts to use your Tabulas journal to push pop-ups on your others
journals (via Friends/Friends Of) or to force the download of unwanted
5.) No attempts are made in hiding OR moving the top navigational grey bar
from its location at the top of the page.
6.) Acceptance of any policy changes to this TOS at any time in the future.
Tabulas reserves the right to pull any journal and any content at any time
with no notice.
Nowhere do I see this listed. So why not take the site down, she is
obviously not doing anything with it. Maybe for future little children that
sign up on your site, you should add it as a term of service.
And for your information, I am not a little webmaster, maybe you should open
your eyes & see that. Yes maybe I was a little harsh but why is it that
after I posted that 2nd comment you left a comment back & not before? I
tried to get your attention since you didn\'t seem to do anything about it in
the first place. And since there was no other way to contact anyone there. I
don\'t need to get in touch with this person since there is no way of doing
so other then leaving messages in her comment section, which I have already
done so, therefor it would be only prosedure for you to take the account

Anonymous (guest)

Anonymous (guest)
Anonymous (guest)

This is the message when i click on hit reports:
No hit logging reports could be displayed because there is no data. Please ensure you have enabled hit logging.
I looked through your help documentation, and i do have hit logging enabled on my account.
Could you suggest anything? Thanks!

That\'s strange -- i do have hit logging enabled (under the styles tab) and note that the hit counting does work. But hit reporting and the \"extended information about recent visitors\" are all blank -- despite having about 50 hits.. Is this a bug?
Thanks Roy



ikarimon (guest)


So, ask them their IP address, then block both that <em>and</em> the username.
It can all be done from the <a href=\"\">User Banning</a> page.



What browser are you using?
why can\'t i change my image background...i have read the tabulas documentation about it but i still can\'t do it...i followed the html codings but still, i can\'t change it. another can i put an image at the very top of my page? pls...kindly reply...thanx a lot!

The easy way would be to do it with HTML.
First, go to Control Panel > Styles > Templating and click the link that says \"build your own template page.\"
Select your default template (which is Charmander) and click \"use my existing colour scheme.\"
The textbox will fill with code. Locate the tag that says <body> and replace it with this:
<body background=\"\">
Fill in the appropriate information. The URL for your image must be the full thing, otherwise the image will tend not to load.
* * *
Now, the image at the top of page. Called a \"header\", this is done quite simply. The default tabulas templates are based on tables, so all you have to do is replace that \"paper\" image at the top.
The default code looks like this:
<table border=\"0\" width=\"750\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\">
<td width=\"100%\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
<td><strong><img src=\"/images/template6/topimg.gif\" width=\"125\" height=\"67\" alt=\"*\" /></strong></td>
<td><span class=\"sitetitle\"><!--title--></span></td>
What you want to do is replace the bold tags above with your own.
Replace what\'s bolded with your own image, so that the code looks like this:
<table border=\"0\" width=\"750\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\">
<td width=\"100%\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
<td><strong><img src=\"\" width=\"125\" height=\"67\" alt=\"\" /></strong></td>
<td><span class=\"sitetitle\"><!--title--></span></td>
Now that paper image will be replaced with one of your own.

If you just want to change the default cursor to another Windows/Mac compatible one, <a href=\"\">this tutorial</a> can help.


You have to put <!--sharedjournals--> below your tagboard in your custom template. This will automatically generate a list of your shared journals.
Shikura (guest)

and also how many web sites can a free user make?
PLEASE answer my questions anyone I\'m desperate people *runs out crying*
Thank you very much.
P.S. I have already put a warning up for her & have changed all my file names so that more of my bandwidth isn\'t stolen. But I still think this needs immediate attention.
Quit bitching at Roy, he\'s not your problem your problem is \"minzywee\". Block hot-linking and you\'ll be good. Besides, other than bandwith you shouldn\'t really care, the site sucks ass... just look at it...
Star (guest)

ikey (guest)
phineyae (guest)
nixie_bu (guest)
I\'ve backed up my template...

Liz (guest)

well, i\'m such a big clutz because while i was registering for my name i imputed the wrong email address. Instead of writing, i simply wrote Because of this, i can\'t get my registration information. Can you please switch it for me or delete the account passivargressiv so that i may sign up for it again with the correct email address.
thank you very much,
sorry for the inconveinance,

Switch your username from there.