January 18, 2005
Transitioning lca.tabulas.com
Users on the lca.tabulas.com server (you can see which server you're on from your profile off your main site ... http://www.tabulas.com/~tabulas/profile.html is an example) will experience no access to RSS or gallery features during a scheduled downtime for 3 hours tomorrow. Starting from roughly 10PM EST tomorrow, I will be moving lca.tabulas.com users to a new server; your accounts will still be perfectly active, but you wiill just not be able to upload new images.
I thank you for your understanding!
A site full of tabulas new tags...i hope this will be helpful to you
thomascythe (guest)

soulfly (guest)

thomascythe, di maka-login (guest)

blossom_017 (guest)