I apologize for not being able to quickly add back in some of the styles features that were in 1.0 but have been missing in 2.0. I've been largely busy tracking down bugs posted in the forums while balancing the business end of this site.

Issues are still constantly being ironed out with 2.0; thanks to all those who reported a long string of bugs with 2.0 that allowed me to improve the site!

The next few days will see a greater stabilization of the 2.0 platform ... with the addition of the color stylizer, old styles, and communities I should be done with 2.0

But that's not it! I've already begun to plan for Tabulas 2.1 which will feature more fun features for all users ... including free users!

I'm currently looking for developers with client-side application experience. I'm interested in rolling out a full API featureset (will be using XML-RPC) but would like some feedback from any developers out there on key features you'd like. Thanks.

Posted by tabulas on January 24, 2005 at 01:59 AM in General News | 3 Comments

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tabulas has turned on comment autolocking after 2 days.

sarah103190 (guest)

Comment posted on January 25th, 2005 at 07:47 PM
hopefully we'll get to choose the color of our fonts like the way we had it in our old tabulas.
html is way too hard for me, i set it up and then it doesnt work.
Comment posted on January 25th, 2005 at 07:47 AM
Are free users entitled to link categories? :) Anyway, there's a bug when you're adding link categories for the second and succeeding times: the "create under" menu doesn't have a (none) option, forcing the user to create the new category under the preceding one.

Comment posted on January 24th, 2005 at 05:23 PM
you do too much for the free users. *wink*