Slight updates regarding and referrals
I've added the referrals page which lists all accounts that listed you as a referral.
I am currently in the process of checking the referrals for validity and will update this site when I have issued the first batch of valid referrals.
I have just run the first batch of referrals that date back to 2003. So you can now check and see which one of your referrals are valid! I will be setting up a page that will let you cash in your referrals soon for paid accounts, so please be patient
For this first batch run of referrals, anybody who referred 6 valid users will get a free paid account for a year. In the future, I will probably only be able to issue out a few paid accounts ... so most likely I'll do something like "Top Ten Referrers for the Month" and issue those out on a consistent basis.
I will keep the beta test open for a few more days; I'll try to issue the batch of paid accounts out before closing the beta test for
Thanks for your continued support and patience.

adeline (guest)
