Color Selectors
The old method of letting you change the fonts/colors through an easy interface has been added back again. You can try it out from the color scheme page.
I've just verified a whole bunch more of referrals, so check to see if you quality for a free paid account!
There have been a whole slew of bug fixes over the past few days - most of them relating the community feature. For some reason, the quotas for a lot of accounts were set lower than they should of been. That has been fixed, along with all community creation/editing problems.
There were a bunch of small annoyance regarding crossposting to Xanga and Livejournal which were all fixed up.
Thanks for your continued support of Tabulas!

I can now change the color of my site easily and conveniently :-D
Keep up the Great Work!

Are you working on the radioblog portion now? I think they're down at the moment.

Could you delete the last song I uploaded? I uploaded it as a test.
Thanks Roy! :D

