Abuse in Tabulas
I have started setting up tools to help regulate Tabulas as a community.
As a growing community, we must learn to respect one another - this is not a free area where you can harass other users or take advantages of the services here.
I have begun issuing warnings to users who are in violation of our TOS, primarily with hiding advertisements or the top navigational bar (IT MUST BE AT THE TOP OF EVERY LAYOUT! Not in the MIDDLE or BOTTOM! At the top!).
Accounts that do not respond after 5 days in fixing up their accounts will be suspended. 30 days after a suspension the accounts will be deleted.
We are also suspending accounts without notice that are run by children under 13. This is due to a federal law called COPPA.
If you feel a member is in violation of our TOS or is abusing our services, please feel free to report them in our abuse forums.
Thanks for you continued support of Tabulas!
I hope I'm not in trouble because I was just too lazy to bother making templates and I noticed I didn't have any ads.
e_r_n_z (guest)

Reminds me of when word processing on PCs first got popular - so many documents had that "ransom note" look - so many different fonts and sizes on one page... made it seem like *communication* was the last thing on their minds! :)
I think that you have been more than patient about this issue. Hiding the Google ads is just plain stealing from you! I've tried, gently I hope, to point out to people how the Nav Bar and such help people use Tabulas more easily and creates a sense of community through standards you can count on. What if every Windows program had its own standard of where to find things?? It used to be like that...
This especially makes sense on a site like yours where many people are newbies in web design, or at least new to blogging and are especially looking for a community that is easy to use and geared towards fast and efficient communication.
I've looked at most of the other blogging software sites out there, and nothing else compares to Tabulas. All the bells and whistles others have mainly tend to make things more complicated, while rarely aiding communication.
I think a lot of people get burned out of "blogging" because they feel like they have to have the "layout de jeur"... more than emphasizing saying what they have to say in the most straight forward way possible.
The vast majority of people here are very nice and trustworthy, so I think the right amount of education (and some enforcement) will go a long ways to making Tabulas even more sucessful! =)
The meaning got lost through time. I'm going to reinforce it so people will remember. Too many sites have i visited with the navbar all in weird places...

Great jobs guys for putting all that work to make tabulas great for us!



phineyae (guest)