Hit Logging Update
I've done some updates to the hit logging section. On the control panel, the "Extended Info" now pops-up a window with more information than what used to show up:
The hits report page has been slightly modified to include not only the most referred pages, but which pages are most visited and also a breakdown of your visitors by country.
The aesthetics of that page should be changing over the next few days, so don't grow too attached to each individual month report.
I've had to remove the "View All" field just because the data was too overwhelming. Only the March data is available for now; I'm working on a caching feature that will generate static reports of your previous months that you can download.
The hit logging counter has also been made more accurate - it will now ignore a blacklist of "referer spam" IP addresses and will ignore hits coming from common search engine bots [these are responsible for making your hit counts jump on certain days.

caMz (guest)




e_r_n_z (guest)