After hit logging went down last week, I brought it back up. Then the database got corrupted. I've recreated the database and tossed the old data (which was causing some sort of weird corruption.
End scenario: Hit logging is back for paid users, but the old data is gone
More news on how I'll make sure this doesn't happen in the near future 
. . .
In a few days, I'll be removing tags from your tagboards that are older than September 1st, 2005 if you have more than 20 tags (If your 20th most recent tag is older than September 1st, 2005, we'll still keep it). I'll be storing them into the archives which will not be accessible in the control panel immediately. If you want to keep any tags, I suggest you do copy them to your hard drive.
I'm doing this to fight the database server dying... apologies for any inconveniences this will cause.