New front page!
There has been a TON of work going on with Tabulas lately - I've automated the billing center, started consolidating subsections of Tabulas (like, and started rewriting the backend of Tabulas.
Today is the first day I get to actually show YOU guys something that you can benefit from!
Tabulas has a brand new front-page. I know the old version had more character, but this one is much easier for me to maintain, and I think it's much cleaner
You'll notice the new front page also combines the old help center in one location ... and the new help center is now combined with a SUPPORT center! That's right... you can start submitting help tickets if you need help with your accounts.
For you patron (paid) account members, you can also now track when you made your last payment and when your account will downgrade from the accounts page. This page will also show you what your account quotas as well!
I am spending nearly all my free time on Tabulas development, so I hope to have TONS of exciting news for you guys regarding new Tabulas features in the near future!
I think I've earned the right to plug the upgrades...
please please PLEASE if you think Tabulas is a nice product, please consider upgrading to a patron account; it's only $28/year, $16/six months or $9/three months. Ever since I removed advertisements from all journals, patron accounts are the ONLY way I can pay off the server fees!



as for your question - yes it's redundant. not necessarily a bad thing - the 'your site' is grouped with the other links - i may change where the left one links later on. not sure yet. just trying things out.





I *will* be billed $14 right the next payment right? Also, I *should* be billed this amount on October, but because the deal was in December, my Paypal subscription won't auto-renew until December, so what's going to happen?


1. Oct '04, paid $28, so subcription to end Oct '05
2. Dec '05, paid $16 for new deal, should've extended my subscription by one year to Oct'06
3. Oct '05, Paypal auto-paid $28
4. Dec '05, Paypal auto-paid $16, noticed I was double-billed this year, talked to you, you refunded Oct '05's payment. My subscription should technically be till Oct '07 (next year) now.
My suggestion is that I'll just pay Dec '06 (this year) anyway through Paypal's auto-subscription at $16 and I'll eat the 10 months difference. Consider it a donation.

it's definitely cleaner!!!

cognizans (guest)

zeniram_anibru (guest)