Story account types
What I've always loved about Tabulas is its ability for people to tell their life stories. The blogging format is really perfect for that.
But what about people who want to write fictional stories? The reverse chronological format doesn't encourage proper reading, nor does it really encourage feedback (most people are too lazy to click comments!).
Well, we're trying something new here. I've introduced a new feature which allows you to specify your account as a "story" account type.
The story account type changes your Tabulas in a few ways:
- Your entries show up in the order they were published
- No more than one entry ("chapter" as they're called) are shown per page
- You navigate each chapter like a book - going to the next/previous
- Each chapter also displays the comments automatically to get feedback from readers
- Your sidebar also adds a new templating tag (ONLY for story account types: the most recently added chapters)
The idea is to encourage the creative members of Tabulas to post their stories; use the new easy account creation feature to create smaller Tabulas sites to write your short stories!
This is an evolving feature - more of a trial balloon to see how you guys like it. Please let us know what you think!
Want to see an example? I've created - it has the first few chapters of the Little Prince, my favorite book!
In the coming weeks, as people have story accounts, we'll highlight the best writers and have little competitions


You do good work.