September 24, 2003
Note: Test this feature at your own risk.
We're testing out a new feature called categories, a feature which has been suggested countless times by many members. This will allow you to organize your existing entries into categories that you define and create.
To create/edit/delete your categories, go to the "Plug-Ins" tab in the administrator's panel (which was previously called Content) and hit "Categories."
Note that you MUST hit "Enable Categories" in order for your journal to display the proper category data.
Create a category, then go to "Move Entries" to move existing entries into that category. You will also be able to set a category from the Advanced Mode for adding entries (underneath "sticky this entry").
Right now this feature *only* works on the default Tabulas entry styles. It will *not* work for any custom entry fields (yet). We want to test this feature on the default layouts and then add support for custom entry styles.
Edit: We've just added support for custom templates! If you go to edit/create a new entry format, you'll notice a new place for "Category Info." Once you enable your categories, use the in the MAIN area of your entry format ... the secondary box is the HTML that comes up if the entry has a category attached to it. You also use the command ... if you're still confused, autogenerate one of the default Tabulas templates and you'll see.
Edit 2: We've fixed up the category name problem where it says you've already created a category with a certain name when you haven't
When you post an entry with a category, it will say so within the entry. Clicking the category name will list all entries from that category. This will hopefully let people who have a wide range of writing interests to organize their entries.
You do not have to set categories to entries; those entries without categories will simply not have that designation. Also note that if you decide to disable categories, your entries will still have the categories set; disabling will only make these changes not visible to the end users.
In the future, we will be experimenting with features to allow for "global" privacy settings ... e.g. allow you to set an "overriding" privacy status (e.g. "friends-only) for all entries within a category REGARDLESS of what the entry privacy setting is.
Things to Do:
- Add support for custom entries
- Add support for global privacy settings for entries
Please let us know of any bugs you notice with the categories. !--category-->!--category-->
We're testing out a new feature called categories, a feature which has been suggested countless times by many members. This will allow you to organize your existing entries into categories that you define and create.
To create/edit/delete your categories, go to the "Plug-Ins" tab in the administrator's panel (which was previously called Content) and hit "Categories."
Note that you MUST hit "Enable Categories" in order for your journal to display the proper category data.
Create a category, then go to "Move Entries" to move existing entries into that category. You will also be able to set a category from the Advanced Mode for adding entries (underneath "sticky this entry").
Edit: We've just added support for custom templates! If you go to edit/create a new entry format, you'll notice a new place for "Category Info." Once you enable your categories, use the in the MAIN area of your entry format ... the secondary box is the HTML that comes up if the entry has a category attached to it. You also use the command ... if you're still confused, autogenerate one of the default Tabulas templates and you'll see.
Edit 2: We've fixed up the category name problem where it says you've already created a category with a certain name when you haven't

When you post an entry with a category, it will say so within the entry. Clicking the category name will list all entries from that category. This will hopefully let people who have a wide range of writing interests to organize their entries.
You do not have to set categories to entries; those entries without categories will simply not have that designation. Also note that if you decide to disable categories, your entries will still have the categories set; disabling will only make these changes not visible to the end users.
In the future, we will be experimenting with features to allow for "global" privacy settings ... e.g. allow you to set an "overriding" privacy status (e.g. "friends-only) for all entries within a category REGARDLESS of what the entry privacy setting is.
Things to Do:
- Add support for global privacy settings for entries
Please let us know of any bugs you notice with the categories. !--category-->!--category-->
Posted by tabulas on September 24, 2003 at 11:37 PM | 46 Comments

I create a album in my gallery. Then without checking any albums, i hit the orange "edit albums" button. I get the following error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') ORDER BY albumRank' at line 2



Nevertheless, it's still a bug that should be looked into. :) My group is still intact, so you can inspect my account if needed. My group ID is 11.

Quit being naughty. Your username has been logged for hacking attempts. You shall be punished.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/private/switchUsers.php:23) in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/private/switchUsers.php on line 8
A bug, i hope?
I'm pretty sure that's not what i'm supposed to see.




Maybe you can give the username/password to one of your friends and they can use it ;)
but it's not really a big deal.
It looks like two different people can't add a category with the same name. For example if someone else added the category "Fun" on their journal, and I try to add a category with the same name, it'll say "You already have a category with this name. Please select another name." Which isn't so bad right now but if everyone uses the categories they will may have to come up with some creative names. :)




I was wondering if you had thought about making an internal navigation for comment pages? "Previous" and "Next" links will make it easier for anyone who wants to comment on several entries on a particular journal.
Also, a friend of mine mentioned to me that she can't get her default icon or her links to show on the front of her journal. She has the template named Krabby with Krabby standard entry formats.
I changed the template to all the other default ones and found that all show both the links and content pages on the main page. But Krabby, nada.
Also, I was reading in a journal (Absolut, I think it was yours) that when you go to someone's profile you see your own categories instead of that person's categories.
Fixed up the profile category bug.


Have thought of something like multiple categories? Is that impossible to do?
Multiple categories? Like one entry having more than one category? It's not impossible to do ... but ideally each entry should stick with one category...