December 10, 2003
FOAF Files
We've added FOAF files to your account. It is located at: (username should be in all lowercase)
Your FOAF file contains all the profile data that you specify. We will be allowing you more control over your FOAF files in the future (adding currentProject, pastProjects, PGP Key are some of the upcoming features).
Your metatags have also been updated so include a link to your FOAF file. (username should be in all lowercase)
Your FOAF file contains all the profile data that you specify. We will be allowing you more control over your FOAF files in the future (adding currentProject, pastProjects, PGP Key are some of the upcoming features).
Your metatags have also been updated so include a link to your FOAF file.
Dom Ramsey (guest)

to all foaf:knows properties in your FOAF files?
My 'people search engine' PLINK - - has started to pick up tabulas FOAF files, but has now way of definitively associating people with discovered FOAF files unless they contain the mbox as well as the seeAlso properties.
first in my foaf it goes like this
also, when updating the profile, my description does not get inputted into the database. my old description got deleted when i updated my profile.
if this is an isolated problem, dont bother to try to fix it.
1.) I am going through finals week.
2.) Server is quickly reaching a saturation limit. I'm more worried about cutting down on CPU resources than fixing up errors that every person believes should be fixed.
3.) Because no one buys paid accounts, I am not making ... no wait, I'm LOSING money running this site. I don't believe people demanding changes, especially when they do *not* have a paid account is really a nice thing to do. :)
Patience. It is all on the to-do list; as I get time, I will tackle the problems.
If you really want to support this site and help push the development of better features, please consider a paid account :D
Thanks for the suggestion.
By the way, I would use a paid blog for identitytheory blog. Unless, of course, you want to barter -- lots of free publicity/traffic for tabulas in exchange?!
Also, I should tell you that I run writing workshops and can see that tabula would be a wonderful option to use -- students having own blog as part of a blogring for each workshop. Interested? I must tell you that I am not someone who grew up in the era of the PC and internet, so I am not all that knowledgeable about how things work.
Please contact me as soon as you can about all these things. Thanks.
Yes, Tabulas accounts by default "syndicate" their data; you can easily take this syndicated data and have it show up on any site you would like by simply installing a script. An example of this is the audiomatch news being handled by the audiomatch tabulas.
I would be more than happy to walk you through the steps in getting your non-Tabulas site synced with Tabulas.
The downside to this approach is that you cannot have the commenting on your site; it simply displays your entries; comments would still be handled by Tabulas.
I do believe that Tabulas would serve well for writing workshops; with the new "shared journals" feature in development, there will be a lot of advanced community features in the near future.
If you have any other questions, please let me know :).