Entries in category "Syndication Formats"

For those of you who own your own journals outside of Tabulas, how interested would you be in seeing the development of a stand-alone PHP program that would interact with Tabulas?

It would basically let you sync your domains with your Tabulas journals so you would only post once ... quite similar to what can be done with your RSS feed, but a little more powerful since we would also syndicate the comments and your whole archives so you could access all of them...

Posted by tabulas on January 19, 2004 at 03:30 PM in Syndication Formats | 9 Comments
We've added FOAF files to your account. It is located at:

http://xml.tabulets.com/foaf/username.xml (username should be in all lowercase)

Your FOAF file contains all the profile data that you specify. We will be allowing you more control over your FOAF files in the future (adding currentProject, pastProjects, PGP Key are some of the upcoming features).

Your metatags have also been updated so include a link to your FOAF file.
Posted by tabulas on December 10, 2003 at 03:01 AM in Syndication Formats | 17 Comments
We have decided to put our weight behind the FOAF XML format; we're quite excited about this new turn of events. By adopting open standards like FOAF, we can (hope) that some developers will be able to develop tools to examine the social network here within Tabulas.

Over the upcoming week, your site will start publishing FOAF data.

For those not technically savvy, FOAF is basically going to be a file that will be machine-readable that will take the data in your profile and output it so any machine can read it.

There are no security issues to worry about; your e-mail will be sha1summed (in essence being 'encrypted,' in laymen's terms) and the only data that will be published will be the data you have chosen to publish from your profiles page.

Over the next few days, you will see the profiles page being revamped; some additional information willl be available as well; we will make announcements at that time for more information regarding the changes.
Posted by tabulas on December 8, 2003 at 01:44 AM in Syndication Formats | Add a Comment
We spent some time rewriting the method in which RSS files are generated; this is a huge step in revamping some of the clunky backend.

There were some errors before with RSS feeds which are now fixed.

For paid users, we've also added the functionality that allows RSS feeds to be generated for every category.

You may access your category RSS feed at:


Please note that you must add a post to a category to generate the category RSS file if you haven't done so.

We will be working on extending the functionality of the RSS feeds shortly (allowing RSS feeds to be turned on/off for each category or for the main site).

To answer some questions I know that will come up:

1.) Category overrides are still relevant to your primary RSS file; any entries posted to a category with a higher-than-public override will not syndicate the entry in RSS.

2.) Categories with overrides will not have their contents published via RSS.

We've gone ahead and generated all RSS feeds for each category on Tabulas so far (except those with privacy levels set).

Note that in your profiles, there is now a link to the RSS feeds next to your categories.
Posted by tabulas on December 4, 2003 at 02:03 AM in Syndication Formats | 26 Comments
As outlined earlier, we have disabled your RSS feeds at http://www.tabulas.com/rss/username.rss. We have moved them over to http://xml.tabulets.com/rss/username.rss (username should be all lowercase regardless).

I have updated the old feeds with a message telling them to update their feeds.

We've also added a small XML button to all default templates. This links to your RSS feed. Custom templaters can either hardcode it or use the >!--rss--< command to input the button directly in.
Posted by tabulas on October 4, 2003 at 10:44 AM in Syndication Formats | 54 Comments
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