April 12, 2004
Some notes
There is no account deletion function; if you have issues with a member, please do not address it here; please deal with the matter privately. As much as I respect copyright issues, I do not currently have the tools or time to deal with all complaints about members.
On another note, there is no daylight savings "automatic correcter" because daylight savings is not observed by everybody in the world. You must change your settings from your profiles page.
All setting your timezone does is change the entry times so they are relative to your location; no actual timestamp changing is done ... all timestamps are being stored in GMT format.
On another note, there is no daylight savings "automatic correcter" because daylight savings is not observed by everybody in the world. You must change your settings from your profiles page.
All setting your timezone does is change the entry times so they are relative to your location; no actual timestamp changing is done ... all timestamps are being stored in GMT format.
Clarizze_16 (guest)

pinkcat (guest)
This is why most member type sites like this don\'t allow copyright theft on their site and have this as part of their TOS. It\'s to protect themselves. I can understand why you don\'t want to get involved, it\'s a big hassle. But by letting people put illegal material on your site (which stolen layouts and suchlike are) you are already involved. It may never become an issue, but you really should put some thought into what you will do if it does.
However, I\'m not really wanting to open the door for all these random website owners to start threatening me with legal action because a teenage girl \"stole\" a layout.
There\'s a world of a difference between real copyright infringement and \"layout ripping.\"
I\'m just hoping people will wake up and try to resolve these layout issues privately instead of waving the legal baton around.
Anonymous (guest)
Why is it so hard for you to be proffessional & nice. I followed all the steps you told me to do & got nothing back from her. Now why do you have to be rude & come to my site & have someone post this to my blog:
IP Address:
Name: Jess
Email Address: jess@hotmail.com (not a real address either)
No, it just shows you are not very intelligent.
Now you are coing to my site to harasse me! What is up with that? I don\'t come over to your site <a href="http://www.roykim.net">www.roykim.net</a> to harass you do I??? I think is is all bullshit. Tell your friends to stop being children & to grow up. All other good sites actually have admin support & do something about it & respond in a mature manner!
Little snipit from your site:
Having pointed out that I\'m young. Thank goodness I became legal this year; the whole \"Roy can\'t get laid \'cause he\'s illegal\" joke was getting old). I can\'t wait until the \"Roy can\'t drive\" joke dies, too.
Yeah I see maybe if you were a little more mature & experianced you would be able to handle this matter better. Grow up! And for your information I am not a little webdesigner, I have been doing this since you were in dipers, so stop acting like you\'re the best thing since sliced bread & do something about the illeagal trash that is going on under your IGNORANT little nose.
nixie_bu (guest)

nixie_bu (guest)