I hate comment spam. I know you hate it too. I just want to let you know that I'm not standing by, I spent a a good bulk amount of time deleting close to two thousand (!) comment spams left in Tabulas.

I am going to be developing some tools in the near future that should help protect ALL Tabulas members from comment spam. I'll let you know about the tools as they are released.

I also want to announce that I have talked to the guys at opinmind and have agreed to help them start crawling Tabulas accounts - right now you won't receive any benefits from this, but in the future I hope to work with them in providing per-journal searches.

Opinmind is a cool  new search engine which lets you see how people think about a particular product; just go give the site a try! I'm really excited about this partnership - I hope you are, too!

Posted by tabulas on February 6, 2006 at 09:21 PM in General News | 6 Comments

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tabulas has turned on comment autolocking after 2 days.

mike (guest)

Comment posted on February 8th, 2006 at 03:51 PM
hey babe I am sad to hear that you are not doing well. Please let me know if I can help
Comment posted on February 8th, 2006 at 11:01 AM
UNRELATED: my tabulas hit logging aim link no longer directs to my site, it says: "sorry, i cant find that user...are you sure you typed the user name correctly?"

this could be because of my old version of aim, but i wanted to check anyway
Comment posted on February 8th, 2006 at 11:03 AM
i'll leave the link up at the bottom of my profile if you'd like to look
Comment posted on February 7th, 2006 at 07:31 PM
Comment posted on February 7th, 2006 at 03:04 AM
eep. that's no good. comment spam has been getting to be a more frequent problem - enough that i feel the need to do something about it soon.
Comment posted on February 6th, 2006 at 11:09 PM
hey why wont you also make a tool that automaticaly deletes tagboard post that say they are just blog hopping or passing -by