New default template
Hey all -
As most of you know, I'm the sole developer who is working on Tabulas. While there is now another site owner, I'm still the one who is driving the day-to-day product direction.
One thing I've always felt could be improved about Tabulas is the default layouts. However, it's been hard for me to add new features because I've had to support so many templates.
In order for me to build better features and make YOUR sites look better, it's important for me to be able to focus on one design.
So, starting today, all sites have standardized on a single layout. If you were using a custom layout, you have not been affected. Anybody who was using a standard Tabulas template has now been switched over to the new default one.
I will be spending the upcoming weeks prettying up the pages - especially in the gallery area.
I know this kind of sucks, but it's one of those things that are necessary for me to continue improving Tabulas.
Thanks for understanding!



marvellouslyderanged (guest)