Entries in category "Bug Fixes"

There were some problems with RSS feeds not being properly generated; we have since located and fixed this problem.
Posted by tabulas on July 23, 2004 at 01:30 AM in Bug Fixes | 10 Comments
The script that does the work when someone comments has been upgraded for code optimization.

The only visible change is that you will not be sent to a long URL when you post a comment.

Please let us know if you're having any problems with the new comment posting system.
Posted by tabulas on January 31, 2004 at 12:36 AM in Bug Fixes | 6 Comments
We were finally able to track down that notorious usericon bug (usericon changes when you edit); this should now be fixed.

We also fixed up all bugs relating to your RSS feed; there were some problems with the RSS feeds not generating proper feeds when entries contained break commands.

The Community tab now takes you directly to your Communities, while the Plug-In tab takes you directly to your links page.

The issue with funky characters appearing in your weblogs.com listing ... should hopefully be resolved. We removed (what we think) are the problems there. Edit: Oops, might not of actually fixed them. They should now be fixed (hopefully).

Edit: We've also updated the Feedback Log to not include your comments in the feedback log. This didn't make much sense since the Feedback Log's primary purpose was for you to quickly view all the recent comments in your journal that you could reply to (unless you enjoy replying to yourself...)

Please let us know if there are any problems with any of these issues.
Posted by tabulas on January 14, 2004 at 12:36 AM in Bug Fixes | 33 Comments
For reasons we're not quite sure, some of you are having difficulties with commenting in your entries.

This is because your Allow Commenting Checkbox on your styles page has been unchecked. Simply check this box again, then go through your entries and find the "Allow Commenting" option and check that.

That should fix it. We're trying to locate how this problem occured in the first place.
Posted by tabulas on December 22, 2003 at 03:53 PM in Bug Fixes | 48 Comments
We've been implementing new code to handle the main add entry page. Please let us know if you run into any problems.

Update: We've also updated the Entry Options page with some revamped coding. Please let us know if you run into any problems.

Note that we've added a "Default Privacy" status option. You can use this to set the default privacy level on any entry you add.

Edit 2: Shared Journals will probably not be working most of today but should work better starting tonight - we're implementing new shared journal features

Edit 3: Posting to shared journals should now work fine.
Posted by tabulas on December 20, 2003 at 01:19 PM in Bug Fixes | 42 Comments
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