We're going into a developmental freeze so that the more hidden bugs can be fixed (if they come up) ... I'm going to spending some more time on other projects (hopefully they can be a little more financially successful than this site).

There will be bug fixes, and I will continue to help with support queries; I may even hack out a new feature every week or so, but I will not be working as hard as I have on new features as I have for the past few weeks ...

Please consider purchasing a paid account during this period; it would really help me out

If there are any features you'd like to request, please also list them below!
Posted by tabulas on January 21, 2004 at 01:23 AM in General News | 42 Comments

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tabulas has turned on comment autolocking after 2 days.
Comment posted on June 7th, 2004 at 09:53 AM
erm... still wondering whether I should pay u guys in USD or Canadian currency... hmmmmm
Comment posted on January 27th, 2004 at 12:14 PM
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 08:42 PM
How do I generate a content page then? I might be being really blind, but I don't see the option where I'm told it should be.. ;/
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 09:34 PM
Control Panel » Plug-Ins » Content Pages
Comment posted on January 27th, 2004 at 01:11 AM
Damn right when I figured out how to do it and came here to say nevermind, it was too late! hah

Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 08:10 PM
hey, when you post a new diary entry, it say "copying to clipboard!" as its loading, i was just wondering where clipboard was, cause wen i posted my entry i got a pge saying "page could not not be desplayed etc etc"
only i REALLy wanna find my entry....pls help. Thanx
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 08:31 PM
Your clipboard is where stuff you copy/paste goes on your computer.

But the other error is unrelated; try reloading the page and it should work fine.
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 07:38 PM
hii. my tabluas won't allow me to create a style sheet. there is no default either. what can i do to fix this? thank you
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 05:58 PM
I'm just wondering where the documentation on 'content pages" is, and are content pages like pages we can design to be whatever we want?
Comment posted on January 26th, 2004 at 08:32 PM
There is no documentation for content pages yet; yes, they are pretty much anything you want them to be. More static information should go there ...
Comment posted on January 25th, 2004 at 07:49 PM
hey, no biggie really, but on my profile it says that the only ppl im friends of are the ones that have added me and I have not added back. Just seems a bit strange.
Comment posted on January 25th, 2004 at 08:21 PM
Comment posted on January 25th, 2004 at 03:36 PM
hmmm... i was wondering whether the paid accounts are in USD or other. and do I just send the money, or do I email you guys first? (i''m thirteen years old and its kinda early to get a creditcard!!!!) PS. if it says i'm fourteen or something other than thirteen years old on my profile, i bluff whenever I sign up for something ...*blush*
Comment posted on January 25th, 2004 at 11:44 PM
You can send it via money order. Just drop me an e-mail saying you're sending it and then send it out. Once I receive it I'll e-mail you back and upgrade your account.
Comment posted on January 25th, 2004 at 01:38 AM
Hi! I have a tiny feature to request :) When formatting your comments link, it'd be nice to have a different link displayed when there is only one comment. That way, you can be grammatically correct and say "1 comment" instead of "1 comments" :P Thanks!

(yeah, I know this is kind of a stupid request, but grammatical errors are a pet peeve of mine XD)
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 10:53 PM
why is that i post a like for my link section and it doesnt show up?

Katan (guest)

Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 08:24 PM
Can you help me? My usericon won't show up on my post, eventhough the style and entry display I picked is Pikachu.
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 09:46 PM
You need to log-in when posting queries here. I can't solve problems when I don't know who is having the problem.
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 09:18 AM
I think g_lo meant the time in her tagboard. Everytime someone tags our tagboards, the time inside of our tagboards are always 6 hours ahead of our time. What is up with that?
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 03:44 PM
How do you know they posted it now as opposed to 6 hours?
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 06:47 PM
Well, first off, I have an IP tracker on my page. The date/time on my tracker doesn't match up with any of the posts (date/time) and their IP's on my tagboard. Secondly, I just did a test myself at 5:42pm CST and my post came up on my tagboard as 11:42PM.
11:42PM - 5:42PM = 6 hours ahead my time. In GMT, I have my time set to -6 but the tagboard is reading +6. Are there any configurations for the tagboard time?
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 09:47 PM
Let me clarify:

As I said before, if you are logged in, all times will be converted to your time zone; I used your profile settings and viewd your site; your last tagboard entry lists itself at 540PM.

Now, if you are not logged in, there is no way for Tabulas to know what time zone you are in, so Tabulas will default to GMT time, this is why you are seeing 1140PM; this is the GMT when your tagboard was posted.

Stay logged into your account and you will see that the times are right.
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 09:44 PM
Are you logged in when viewing your site? Your site is displaying tagboard times fine to me.

g_lo (guest)

Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 12:40 AM
How do I fix the time for my tag board?? The date/time appears fine when I add an entry, but the date/time is off everytime someone signs my tag board.
Comment posted on January 24th, 2004 at 02:31 AM
The date/time is not off; the time offset is automatically syncronized to whatever time zone you've set it as. So regardless of where someone is in the world, whatever time they post at is automatically switched to your time zone when you view your site (it will fix itself to other time zones depending on who visits your site).
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 07:52 PM
Bah, nm. Figured out an easy hack. Copy url of one of the comment deletion links, and change the number to my comment number.
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 07:59 PM
Or use the 'moderate comments' link on every entry under 'edit entries'
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 07:49 PM
Ok, now that you made it so our own entries no longer show up on that Feedback Log thing, how the heck am I supposed to delete my own comments?!
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 04:06 PM
If I had a credit card I'd buy an account =P. And yeah I've told many a person about Tabulas (started plugging on day 1 =).

I have a question. Will moderaters of shared journals be able to customize the journal layouts in the future?
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 07:35 PM
Moderators who are paid members, yes.
Comment posted on January 22nd, 2004 at 08:28 PM
On the main tabulas page when you click on the usernames that just updated, it takes me to their gallery...why? It's not a bother, but makes me wonder everytime... :devil:
Comment posted on January 22nd, 2004 at 09:20 PM
Because you are clicking the "Recently Updated Gallery" list. The "Recently Updated Entries" list is on the right.
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 10:23 AM
WHOOPS!! Stupid me...
Comment posted on January 22nd, 2004 at 05:40 PM
I can't add links either... I add them, and it says that it's there on the left hand side but it doesn't show up on the main links control panel page or when I look at my tabulas site...

mah (guest)

Comment posted on January 22nd, 2004 at 11:06 AM
I am not getting to create my my tábulas,o that should be a correspondent for: mazinha_euzinha@hotmail.with it didn't arrive.
I wait for answer.
Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 07:29 PM
Speaking of bugs, perhaps it's time that the front page "Find Shared Journal" link should be fixed and the text updated? :)
Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 02:18 PM
Just for you Roy, I posted an announcement on my journal encouraging people to buy a paid account. It's worth the money. :)
Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 01:43 PM
Erm, you're probably doing something wrong ... ? There is no links limit.
Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 04:25 AM
hey roy, why doesn't my chinese entry's title showing up right? the body is fine tho. what did you do differently?

Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 01:50 PM
Hrm. It has to do with a change I made in the processing of entries a while ago ... I didn't realize it would have trouble with chinese characters. Try again now, it should be fixed.
Comment posted on January 21st, 2004 at 01:49 AM
I´d really wish for all the constant work you are putting into Tabulas, that it would REALLY pay off for you. I know no other journal site where there are that many new features in such a short amount of time. Maybe not enough people have heard about it. I keep plugging, hopefully it will help. I still think Tabulas is the best. :-D

Good luck for your new projects!
Comment posted on January 23rd, 2004 at 08:23 AM
I couldn´t agree more, I´m spreading the word as well in my other site and I am considering a paid account for myself. I can just hope that Tabulas remains financially viable and that it actually pays off and starts making you money, you obviously put a great ammount of time and effort into this and although compliments don´t pay your bills, I´m sure many people appreciate what yo´ve done so far - I know I do and I´ll stick with Tabulas for as long as it´s around, which I hope s for a long long time. :-)