Please let us know starting now if you find yourself logged in as someone else's account. We've spent literally hours trying to track down the problem and still aren't entirely sure why this i shappening. However, we've implemented a few changes based on hunches and we hope these changes fix the problem.

We're horribly sorry for this.

Edit: Let me clarify the request. Please do NOT post things that have happened in the past; please post if it happens NOW. We've implemented new coding that should help combat what we think is the problem.
Posted by tabulas on April 29, 2004 at 10:56 PM in General News | 28 Comments

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Comment posted on May 4th, 2004 at 11:26 PM
..uhm, i try uploading new templates for my blog but it says DSN error and something. then when i check it out, the template is saved but it has errors. like, the usericon pic isnt appearing but i did put the tag on my code. can this be fix? it is also the same at my other username :(

jiggydogs (guest)

Comment posted on May 4th, 2004 at 02:49 PM
ei, may i just ask where i can get tabulas template skins? :P

Shelly (guest)

Comment posted on May 3rd, 2004 at 11:38 PM
i\'m having problems signing in. whenever i try, it says that i have to enter a password, not that i entered the wrong password, but that i haven\'t entered one at all...which is very strange. My user name is Shelly. I haven\'t been at this website for months now, been a little busy.
Comment posted on May 3rd, 2004 at 04:11 PM
.. oh, something\'s wrong with the image upload thing. i tried uploading 5 pictures.. and they ended up as broken images. i tried it again for like three times.. but it never did work.
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 10:47 PM
hello there\'s sth wrong with my journal syle pages. can u help me check it out or tel me how can i get it fixed? thanks
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 08:29 PM
ok this is dumb but...i just created an account, and no matter what i do, i can\'t get the font in my entries to be lower case! i chose \"normal\" for the font options all aorund, and yet it just keeps appearing all upper case. if someone can help me, i\'d really appreciate it. thanks!
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 05:43 PM
i\'ve noticed that the dates are off.. it says it\'s may 3rd when it really is may 2nd. is it just my account or is it everyones? how can it be fixed?
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 05:01 PM
Why don\'t the colors on the stylesheet show up? Also, the main font color refuses to change.
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 04:39 PM
I think you\'re mistaken; are you absolutely sure that logging out once doens\'t log you out? Are you sure your browser simply isn\'t caching that page?

I haven\'t changed the logout feature in a very long time, and I just managed to logout once just fine. Furthermore, there should be no difference whether you log out once or twice; it\'s using the same scripting both times to execute your logout.

vespertine (guest)

Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 02:46 PM
Okay I had signed up for a tabulas.. I never got the confirmation. I have read in the rules about this, but I am also wanting to have a paid acct. and I would still like to have my username that I signed up with. Is there anyway to get my confirmation email sent to a different email address so I can keep the username?
Comment posted on May 2nd, 2004 at 04:35 PM
Confirm your account and then use the change username feature.

vespertine (guest)

Comment posted on May 3rd, 2004 at 01:20 AM
I cant confirm my acct because for some reason the confirmation email will not come to my email address.

ALetHiCinRiA (guest)

Comment posted on May 1st, 2004 at 11:45 PM
happened to me twice.. hehe.. i almost freaked out.. hehehe!!! ;) but i hope you\'ll know what the problem is.. thanks and good luck!

fadingflowers (guest)

Comment posted on May 1st, 2004 at 12:18 AM
It happened to me while I was at work and I realized that I was logged in as someone else account. Goodness I knew it wasn\'t mine account so I logged out of it. I hope you\'ll get this fix as soon as you can. I don\'t want ppl to be able to login to my account.
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 09:35 PM
ive to logout out twice in order to successfully logged out. im managing mine and my gf\'s account on the same machine. so whenever im logged into my gf\'s account, i need to click on the logout link. then after the \"successfully log out\" message, i need to refresh that page again in order to really logged out.

this is no big issue to me but maybe this will help the tabulas guys to figure out the problem
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 04:47 PM
I dunno if this will help, but I have an idea as to why it goes like that... just a guess... see to me it mostly happens only on those computers which are networked... at home, it only happened twice and it was eons ago... most of the time it occurs in Cyber Cafes and Computer Labs where there are lotsa people comin\' and going and some of them hardly care to logout that maybe due to the network design of the place, the cookies or whatever get all mixed up... and yeah, one thing I noticed, the people\'s tabulas which I\'m mostly get in to are those who are in the same location as I am... I usually get switched with jamster before and lotsa other accounts and they\'re all from the Phils and all are quite near where I stay based from what I read from their posts... maybe there\'s a connection... maybe when at this time they never logged out and at that certain time I logged in, maybe that person\'s account is suddenly passed on to me... I dunno... just making lotsa hypotheses hoping to help... well, I hope you find the bug soon...
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 05:52 PM
its happened to me at my home, and at work (no one has access to my computer) and people that i\'ve been logged on as are from philllipines and far away places... so it\'s a backend issue most probably... atleast thats what it seems like....
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 11:54 AM
happened to me 3 times this week...

both not shared computers - posted details on the board

<a href=""></a>
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 10:52 AM
last night, and it often happens at school, network.
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 10:52 AM
last night, and it often happens at school, network.

babyaong (guest)

Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 09:34 AM
On 4/28/04, I went out and came home and found someon had posted something on my site. I left it up as a private post for you to see. The date and time are 4-28-04 at 4:04 pm. I also found myself logged into someone else\'s name too. I know I signed out of my name before I went out. Can you please email me? This really makes me angry and scared. Especially since you are not able to delete accounts.

kokuei (guest)

Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 03:28 AM
That happened to a friend and I while we were in computer class..but it was quite a while ago..
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 03:04 AM
hi. this happened to me yesterday. i was logged in as \"gone\"...
Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 12:17 AM
strange but each computer i use to access tabulas is automatically logged in. it seems like the last one to use tabulas is never actually logged out.

Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on April 30th, 2004 at 12:16 AM
strange but each computer i use to access tabulas is automatically logged in. it seems like the last one to use tabulas is never actually logged out.
Comment posted on April 29th, 2004 at 11:40 PM
me and my friends here in tabulas are on the same office, using the same network connection.. and it happened a lot of times to us..
Comment posted on April 29th, 2004 at 11:49 PM
Can you let me know if it does it again once you\'re in the office again?