February 22, 2005
Clarifications regarding the top navigational bar
There are a lot of questions regarding the top navigational bar, so I'll clarify this issue a bit.
The top navigational bar should not be considered a "design" part of your layout. It should be considered as an extention of your browser; for that purpose I do not use any strong colors.
The purpose of that top navigational bar is to let you quickly navigate within Tabulas if you're logged in. Think of it as a browser toolbar plugin, without having to actually install any program!
The rules regarding the navigational bars are as such:
- It should always be visible - FOR BOTH PAID USERS AND FREE USERS! I will not have any issues asking paid users to abide by this rule - this is the one issue I will not back off on for paid users!
- It must always be as close to the top of your page as possible. Ideally, there should be NO space between the top nav bar and your browser. If you require CSS hacks, post in our Styling Your Site forums on how to achieve this affect in your layout and someone will help you
- It should stretch across the top of the page. I've noticed a lot of layouts trying to squeeze it into some fancy part of their layouts. Do not consider it as a part of your layout!
If you use Tabulas as much as I do, that little nav bar becomes a critical tool for getting around Tabulas quickly. So please, do not try to change it.


