January 18, 2006
advanced smilies
A long time ago, somebody requested that I add support for some version of advanced smilies. I've added a bunch of advanced smilies which are only accessible from the advanced editor (click your smilies icon to see them).
I downloaded these a LONG time ago with the intention of implementing them - as far as I know, the license on these is freeware ... if anybody knows about the licensing, please let me know.
In the future, I will be adding support so you can upload your OWN advanced smilies (to keep or to share with your friends!)
If anybody has an icon set they'd like to donate for use at Tabulas that they created, please contact me!
Until then...

wala (guest)

Also, is there a way to get the old smilies to show in RSS feeds and stuff? Sometimes I like having the angry smiley, but the :UNC: bit in the feed looks a bit odd.
That all said: YOU RULE.

i still have one problem though. muy usericon is still not working.
old name: katarine
