We spent some time rewriting the method in which RSS files are generated; this is a huge step in revamping some of the clunky backend.

There were some errors before with RSS feeds which are now fixed.

For paid users, we've also added the functionality that allows RSS feeds to be generated for every category.

You may access your category RSS feed at:


Please note that you must add a post to a category to generate the category RSS file if you haven't done so.

We will be working on extending the functionality of the RSS feeds shortly (allowing RSS feeds to be turned on/off for each category or for the main site).

To answer some questions I know that will come up:

1.) Category overrides are still relevant to your primary RSS file; any entries posted to a category with a higher-than-public override will not syndicate the entry in RSS.

2.) Categories with overrides will not have their contents published via RSS.

We've gone ahead and generated all RSS feeds for each category on Tabulas so far (except those with privacy levels set).

Note that in your profiles, there is now a link to the RSS feeds next to your categories.
Posted by tabulas on December 4, 2003 at 02:03 AM in Syndication Formats | 26 Comments

Related Entries

tabulas has turned on comment autolocking after 2 days.
Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 08:29 PM
Hehe, i'm pretty stupid, found out how to get rid of it, it was the tagging, but i'll keep it up, so they don't post comments. thanks anyways.
Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 06:09 PM
Thanks, i'll think i might know the e-mail address, but i'm not sure, so nevermind, thanks anyway.

alben12 (guest)

Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 12:17 AM
I got it already. that was weird. Tabulas didn't display my last specific entry, so I just deleted it and made a new one. must be a bug on tabulas or something.

alben12 (guest)

Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 12:08 AM
Mr. Tabulas sir, Im having trouble with my blog. The newer entries stopped showing up since yesterday, I think. What I mean is, when I post a new one, the site doesnt display my new post anymore.
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 10:50 PM
Hey, my friend accidentally put in the wrong email address for her account ~asia. It was supposed to addressed to donna@iateneo.com. I think she must have misspelled a few letters. She still wants the account name though. Can you send the password to that address, please? Thanks. :)
Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 12:48 AM
that's not even remotely close to the right e-mail address used :/

until you can provide the e-mail address used to access that site, i cannot change it.
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 09:20 PM
Hehe, nevermind, i guess i'll keep the thing up there, but is there anyway to erase things that ppl post? thanks again. you're so helpful.
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 09:15 PM
Sorry, it's under my username and icon on the right of the site in the Charmander style layout. thanks again for any help.
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 08:34 PM
Wow, you've got tons of request...*looks on the floor* soooo there's probably not a chance you can help a computer illerate girl who on the first week of getting tabulas fiddling with everything clicked on the "backup" button just to see what it does..and now...she wants to save all the hundreds of entries she has..just before CHRISTMAS...or perhaps JUST BEFORE the new year incase it all gets lost..cause after all...there are always spurs of doubts...and you wouldn't be able to adjust that would you....change the back up dates?...

Hmm....(darn, another whiney pmsing girl..sorry..)Hopefully you can help. Take care,

- Flow
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 09:40 PM
Just wait two weeks.
Comment posted on December 8th, 2003 at 07:59 PM
THANKS! Two weeks..you know I'll be counting since I'll be off school..yes, I am serious, I will be counting..haha...this tells you how valuble my entires are...well to me anyhow...take care.

- Flow
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 06:11 PM
Yeah, my ex posted on my site and i want it erased cause i just hate her, it's under my username [on the left in the Charmander style], how do i stop ppl from commenting there and just to comment on my posts. thanks for any help you can give
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 09:40 PM
turn it off.
Comment posted on December 7th, 2003 at 06:11 PM
I want my content pages to list alphabetically by title, is there any way that I can do that?
Comment posted on December 6th, 2003 at 10:52 AM
hi, i only have 7 images in my tab. but it says that i have 16/50. why? thx...
Comment posted on December 6th, 2003 at 04:05 AM
i was wondering how i can erase pictures from my gallery?...
Comment posted on December 6th, 2003 at 04:45 AM
By hitting the trash icon next to each image.
Comment posted on December 6th, 2003 at 01:22 AM
Just wondering, why don't this journal have categories? It's easier to look at when we're looking for a specific item, right? ^_^
Comment posted on December 5th, 2003 at 12:02 AM
I have inserted a thumbnail pic on a Content Page entitled "test". Below the pic, I have inserted a table with with a thumbnail. The table doesn't appear immediately below the first thumbnail pic, though I typed the code right below it. How can I correct this? I don't want the text to come after the table. I just don't want the table so far down the page. How do I get rid of the gap between the text and the table? I did not put in line spaces.
Comment posted on December 5th, 2003 at 03:17 AM
Tables inherently have margins in the top and bottom; you'll have to set another row in your table and put the text there, then create another row and put the image there.
Comment posted on December 5th, 2003 at 06:16 PM
I see. Thanks.
Comment posted on December 4th, 2003 at 10:39 PM
Yeah, um, this isn't related to what you were talkin about, but i'd figured you see it more likely here than anywhere else.

i just recently created an account here, and, like, a day after i try to go to my site and it's a blank screen with the words: There are no entries for this time period. at the top. what does this mean and why can't i or anyone else access my site.

strange enough, i can still post entries into my site, but i just can't see them.
Comment posted on December 4th, 2003 at 11:38 PM
1.) You haven't selected a template to use.

2.) You've selected 0 entries to display on your page, which is why no entries are displaying.
Comment posted on December 5th, 2003 at 12:43 PM
Sorry, i'm not sure how to do that, is it easy to do. the entries are publicly viewable, i made sure of that. it was viewab;e at one time, then it started showin that and i had done nothin to change it.
Comment posted on December 5th, 2003 at 04:04 PM

Select an actual number of entries to display, not "By Entries:"
Comment posted on December 6th, 2003 at 06:23 PM
Thankks for the help, got it now.