Almost everyone who has joined this thing has asked, "Where is the feature to find other members?"

Unlike the Alpha version (long gone, thank goodness), there is no "master members list." Besides the fact that this is slightly unprofessional, there are members that I'm sure are not willing to post their information to a public forum like that - some like privacy and anonymity.

In any case, I am building a module to help "locate" members, but it will be done through locale (meaning you better set your profiles). Of course, there will remain the option of listing yourself OFF the master members list - but it will be set by default to "list."

While developing this site, I went over many rewrites of the same module (chalk it up to learning). One of the main problems I faced was whether or not I was going to develop this site with classes (Object Oriented Programming) ...

The conclusion, after much research, was a resounding "no." Although OOP programming is incredibly powerful and clean, it allows for none of the advantages that I'm looking for.

Developing this site's backend by my lonesome, I'm not required to make thing standardized or "clean." I'm the only one looking at the innards at this time ...

Furthermore, OOP in PHP is more server-intensive, and that is one issue that I'm really factoring in my decision. The coding I'm doing is constantly refined to be faster and less server-intensive. Most of the work over the past weeks has not been new features - it's rewriting old features and getting things to work better (that's not to say I haven't been planning better features lately).

Speaking of which, I will be rewriting the way templates will be done in a little bit. You won't notice any problems or changes (hopefully). Basically right now each page is generated on the fly from a master template page; this is quite server intensive and will work for the few members we have now, but already I've been noticing high server loads.

So I'm going to try to make "static" pages that are generated from master template files (very similiar to what's being done now for CSS - you'll notice in your HTML source that you have a separate CSS file from everyone else if you've customized your site style) that will only change upon editing.

This will hopefully reduce a LOT of load on the server ...

Still working on new features. Site tracking/better gallery upload UI/"auto links."

More to come soon. Also got a few templates coming up .. very similiar to the Brarh template in style.
Posted by tabulas on March 25, 2003 at 10:38 AM | 10 Comments

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tabulas has turned on comment autolocking after 2 days.
Comment posted on March 30th, 2003 at 12:02 AM
All the pictures I've tried to upload doesn't appear...

Page is at ttp://
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2003 at 03:04 AM
Okie, for my browser I'm using Mozilla v1.3 and my OS is Win2K.. All images that I tried to upload are .jpeg.. Haven't tried other file formats yet but the .jpegs definitely can't load for some reason..

Thanks for helping to fix this :)
Comment posted on March 26th, 2003 at 05:45 PM
Hey, what color variable do you have to change to change the color of the actual text part of your entry?

I couldn't seem to figure it out!
Comment posted on March 26th, 2003 at 10:41 PM
It depends on the style you're using ... the styles system has not really been kinked out yet. I'm trying to make it better, but still scaleable.
Comment posted on March 26th, 2003 at 09:55 PM
Its under "Main Text Style" if you still cant figure it out or when you want to change your entry colors often, i suggest you use the html font attribute tags, they work too. =)
Comment posted on March 27th, 2003 at 04:35 PM
Where do you put the tags? Sorry...I'm only familiary with freeopendiary and deadjournal htmling.
Comment posted on March 25th, 2003 at 10:59 PM
Server is being real slow for some reason. Images in my control panel and site doesnt load or takes a looong time to do so also. Anyway, it'd be nice to have a "moderate" feature for the tagboards eh to avoid spam and double posts...
Comment posted on March 25th, 2003 at 07:10 PM
by the way i'm using mac at home... thank you...
Comment posted on March 25th, 2003 at 07:09 PM i have a problem wif my gallery.. my pics wun load when i set up as image album.... please enlighten me thank you.....
Comment posted on March 25th, 2003 at 10:41 PM
Hmm. I fixed your one album error... try again.